
This page contains information, news, updates, and articles of interest for International UAW employees and retirees. Check this page for future updates to the International UAW 401(k) Savings other benefit programs.

For Your Interest

Plan Updates

International UAW Fund Change Announcement – May 2016

The International UAW has announced upcoming investment option changes for the International UAW Staff Severance Plan. Two funds will change share class following the market close on May 17, 2016. As a result of the share class changes, the fund codes and ticker symbols will change. For each fund, the new share class will have the same investment objectives and underlying investment holdings as the funds they are replacing. The only difference is that they represent a different share class and offer a lower fund expense.

Balances in, and contributions to the closing funds will automatically transfer to the new share class funds in the plan unless directed elsewhere by the participant.

To discuss these important changes to the International UAW 401(k) plan and how they may impact your current portfolio allocation, do not hesitate to contact Mainstay toll-free at 1-866-444-6246.

International UAW Fund Change Announcement – May 2015

There will be several changes within the International UAW Staff Severance Plan over the next few months. The effective date of these changes will be July 1, 2015.

The Fidelity® Fund - Class K fund will close and be replaced by an investment option currently offered by the Plan. Assets presently invested in, or contributions (including loan repayments) currently being directed to, the Fidelity® Fund - Class K fund will automatically shift to the existing fund without any action from the participant.

Additionally, the Fidelity Freedom K® Funds will become the Plan’s Designated Default Fund for the UAW Staff Severance Plan. Currently the UAW Strategy Fund is the Plan’s Designated Default Fund.

For participants without an investment election on file at Fidelity (thereby defaulting to the UAW Strategy Fund), an automatic transfer to the Fidelity Freedom K® Funds will occur if no election is made as of market close on August, 21, 2015.

A special election window will be established for participants without an investment election on file at Fidelity. During this election window period, participants can elect to have current assets remain invested in the UAW Strategy Fund as this fund will continue to be an option in the Plan.

If you have questions regarding how these changes may affect your International UAW Staff Severance Plan or your investment option selection within the Plan, do not hesitate to contact Mainstay toll-free at 1-866-444-6246.

International UAW Fund Change Announcement – August 2014

The International UAW has announced upcoming investment option changes for the International UAW Staff Severance Plan. The new investment options will provide similar investment strategies and risks, but the overall expenses for the investment options will be lower. In conjunction with this change, the target date retirement funds in the plans will change share class, also in an effort to reduce operating expenses.

All changes will be effective as of the market’s close on October 1, 2014. Contact Mainstay toll-free at 1‑866‑444‑6246 to discuss the impact these changes may have on your portfolio.

News and Articles


If you have any questions concerning our website or your Int'l UAW 401(k) account, please feel free
to contact us using the following e-mail link: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or call us toll-free at 866-444-6246.

Important Consumer Disclosures

Mainstay Capital Management, LLC is an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Due to various state regulations and filing requirements, Mainstay and its representatives may only provide investment advisory services in those states in which it is first appropriately registered or otherwise exempt or excluded from registration requirements. The purpose of this website is to provide the public with general information about the services offered by our investment management firm. Mainstay does not render personalized investment advice or services or effect, or attempt to effect any securities transactions, on this website. Our firm continuously monitors its filing requirements in all states, and will provide individualized advisory services only in accordance with various state regulations. Mainstay does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, or relevance of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party provider, whether linked to Mainstay's website or incorporated herein. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.


Disclosure Information - Rankings and Awards

Barron's Magazine - Top 100 Independent Financial Advisors

According to Barron’s: The rankings are based on data provided by individual advisors and their firms. Advisor data is confirmed via regulatory databases, cross‐checks with securities firms and conversations with individual advisors. The formula Barron’s uses to rank advisors is proprietary. It has three major components: assets managed, revenue produced and quality of practice. Investment returns are not a component of the rankings because an advisor’s returns are dictated largely by the risk tolerance of clients. The quality of practice component includes an evaluation of each advisor’s regulatory record. The data is based on one fiscal year (7/1/22 - 6/30/23) and appeared in Barron’s on 9/18/23.

Schwab IMPACT Awards

The Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.’s IMPACT Awards® program recognizes excellence in the business of independent financial advice. Nominees are evaluated and selected by a panel of prominent leaders from both the business world and the financial services industry. Mainstay Capital Management does use Charles Schwab to custody certain client assets, however there was no direct compensation provided to be nominated for this award. Mainstay Capital Management received this annual award on November 15, 2017.